Festival Events:
Thursday 13th February - Around Town
11:30am-1:30pm Bush Poets and Yarnspinning @ the Boyup Brook Hotel
Variety Showcase - Ballads and Beyond - Hockey Grounds
5:45pm Bill Gordon – Housekeeping and Poetry
6:00pm Warwick Trant
6:20pm Sue Munns
6:40pm Kevin Lansdell and Katelyn Lansdell
7:10pm Keith Lethbridge – Bush Poetry
7:20pm Katelyn Lansdell and Simone Lansdell
7:50pm Lee Forster and Tyson Lansdell
8:20pm Mel and Susie – Bush Poetry
8:30pm Terry Bennetts
8:55pm Finale
Friday 14th February - Around Town
08:00am-10:00pm Bush Poetry and Yarn Spinning at the Tennis Club (Pink Note Donation $5)
9:45am Morning Tea at the Anglican Church followed by Gospel singing with Peter James (10:30am) (RSVP required)
10:00am - 12:00pm Bootscooting Workshop at the Football Club Rooms
11:30am - 1:30pm Boyup Brook Hotel – Poets and Storytellers - Light Hearted Entertainment
2:00pm - 4:00pm Memory workshop with Mel and Susie at "Northlands"
SATURDAY 15th FEBRUARy - Around Town
08:30am-1:00pm Street Carnival
08:00am - 10:00am Bush Poetry Competition @ the Boyup Brook Bowling Club
9:00am-3:00pm Art Exhibition @ the Town Hall ($2 Adult, School Children Free)
9:30am Lynn Hazelton workshop at the Football Club Rooms – “Song A Long”
11:30am Ute and Truck Parade
Music Park Lineup
Friday 14th February
5:00pm - 5:20pm Welcome to Country by Noel Smith
5:25pm Shenai Johnston
6:15pm WA Country Music Awards Emerging Artist of the Year - Backed by Rogue Pony
1. Adele Oliver
2. Shannon Smith
6:50pm Brandy Newton
7:35pm West Australian Country Music Awards Presentation:
Alt Country Song of the Year, Contemporary Country Song of the Year, Traditional/Heritage Country Song of the Year, Emerging Artist of the Year, Album/EP Of Year, Female Artist of the Year, Male Artist of the Year, Group/Duo of the Year, Songwriter of the Year, Video Clip of the Year, People’s Choice
8:20pm Real Good Question
9:15pm West Australian Country Music Awards Group/Duo of the Year
Saturday 16th February
1:00pm Broken Horses
1:45pm Imogen Whyte
1:55pm Claudia Tripp
2:40pm Lynne Hazelton
3:40pm Official Opening
3:50pm Bradley Hall Band
4:55pm Sally Jane
5:45pm The Red Ochre Band
6:40pm Kate Hindle
7:35pm Amber Lawrence
8:55pm Jonny Reid
9:50pm Rogue Pony
10:45pm South 76
Sunday 17th February
7:00-9:40am Bush Poets Breakfast including Mel and Susie (National Bush Poets)
9:45am The Spodumenes- Katelyn and Rozzi
10:25am Boodji Creek Band
11:05am Anne Deas supported by Rogue Pony
11:50am ‘Rivers of Thirst’ Songwriter Winner
12:00pm ‘Rivers of Thirst’ Songwriter Runner Up
12:10pm Uncle Harold’s
1:10pm Terry Bennetts
1:50pm Finale with Artists, Award Winners, Volunteers and Committee